Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP)
Provides food assistance to low-income households with food loss or damage caused by a natural disaster.
Program Information
Individuals are eligible with one of the following:
- current SNAP Client: currently get benefits that are less than the monthly maximum, and food loss or damage caused by a natural disaster
Non-SNAP Client: low-income households with food loss or damage caused by a natural disaster OR have had one of the following disaster-related expenses:
- home or business repairs
- temporary shelter expenses
- evacuation or relocation expenses
- home or business protection
- disaster-related personal injury, including funeral expenses
- lost or no access to income due to the disaster, including reduced, terminated, or delayed receipt of income, for a large part of the benefit period
Application Process
Call or visit the local DSS office
Required Documentation
Application required; call for information
Contact Info
Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM
Business Line
25 Railroad AvenueHudson NY 12534